- You spend all day running around like a chicken with your head cut off but you can't really ever seem to do more in life than simply tread water
- The stress of not being able to accomplish all of the items on your "To Do" list has more than taken over your life
- You spend the night tossing and turning trying to figure out just how you are going to get everything done in the morning
- Once the morning alarm goes off, you can't really find the strength/courage/energy to properly tackle another day
- Things that you would normally do to "reset" yourself are no longer done with passion or joy
- Your emotions, like your schedule, are all over the place
- You lash out at your spouse, kids, family, friends...pets? Sometimes for things that really don't warrant your reaction
- Your self-doubt has reached a whole 'nutha level: Debilitating
Balance - promotes whole-body relaxation, evokes feeling of tranquility and balance. This oil has helped to emotionally ground me which allows me to get outside of my own head to see "the bigger picture." This is my gear shifter oil.