Does this sound familiar to anyone else besides me:

- You spend all day running around like a chicken with your head cut off but you can't really ever seem to do more in life than simply tread water
- The stress of not being able to accomplish all of the items on your "To Do" list has more than taken over your life
- You spend the night tossing and turning trying to figure out just how you are going to get everything done in the morning
- Once the morning alarm goes off, you can't really find the strength/courage/energy to properly tackle another day
- Things that you would normally do to "reset" yourself are no longer done with passion or joy
- Your emotions, like your schedule, are all over the place
- You lash out at your spouse, kids, family, friends...pets? Sometimes for things that really don't warrant your reaction
- Your self-doubt has reached a whole 'nutha level: Debilitating
Anyone? Anyone? OK, so unlike myself, maybe you haven't experienced all of these things simultaneously, but I'm guessing that at some point in the not so distant past you have experienced at least one of these things. And maybe that one thing was really, really intense. While we're both being so honest, I can tell you that I've been struggling (majorly) with adjusting to my new life as a wife and as a full-time artist. You know that "flight or flight" response that physiologically we have to stress or trauma? Well, I freeze and I've been frozen in fear that breeds anxiety and self-doubt, and I've been stuck there for months. So to help combat what I am calling the "Stagnant Frenzy" I am choosing to start my fight from the inside out. Literally - my battle begins at the cellular level.
I have been a long time user of doTERRA essential oils. If you're not familiar with doTERRA, click here to learn about their Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade standards which originally prompted me to purchase their oils years ago. I wanted to look for an essential oil or combination of essential oils (called blends) that would help promote a sense of well-being and calmness in me as well as stimulate my creative passions. The essential oils that I started using daily have made a great impact on me so I wanted to share them with anyone else that may be experiencing their own "Stagnant Frenzy."
Serenity - promotes restful sleep (something I was struggling with) and evokes a sense of peace. This oil has been my go to oil whenever I am experiencing anxiety or extreme stress or emotions that I am having trouble processing. I lovingly refer to this oil as my tranq dart because of it's calming effect. It also works wonders on my dog when she is out of control - which is often.
Balance - promotes whole-body relaxation, evokes feeling of tranquility and balance. This oil has helped to emotionally ground me which allows me to get outside of my own head to see "the bigger picture." This is my gear shifter oil.
Balance - promotes whole-body relaxation, evokes feeling of tranquility and balance. This oil has helped to emotionally ground me which allows me to get outside of my own head to see "the bigger picture." This is my gear shifter oil.
Elevation - mood elevation, stimulates and revitalizes the mind and body. This oil is amazing! It's my To Do list crusher! I wish I had this oil back when I was working the grave shift - I could have used the oil instead of drinking all those 5-hour energy drinks that spiked my heart rate and blood pressure to alarming levels.

I have integrated these oils into my daily routine, but they also work wonders throughout the day for as needed applications so I keep small vials in my purse for when I'm out and about.
This is the first of many small steps in my ongoing battle with the "Stagnant Frenzy" - and I'm sure that I'll write about the things that I'm doing to elevate my creative efforts a midst this chaos. So if you're interested in hearing more about doTERRA or seeing what other paths I'm exploring on this creative journey, please subscribe to this blog and stay tuned.